Serving our Communities with Chef Hui
At the beginning of one of the most food-focused weeks of the year, we want to start by saying MAHALO and by sharing a little bit about one of our favorite hui—Chef Hui—and how they continue to focus on getting food to those in need all year long. We are proud to be one of their many partners as they provide locally sourced ingredient boxes and chef-prepared meals to our underserved communities. Currently, they’re providing weekly service to over 4,000 families and over 2,000 kūpuna on Oʻahu and across Hawaiʻi!
Chef Hui began as a project of Pili Group in 2017, as a way to connect the culinary world to the community. COVID-19 amplified the need for Chef Hui to engage our statewide network and support underserved communities. As a non-profit, Chef Hui partners with various organizations to educate and inspire a connection to food and the people who produce and prepare it.
Communities Chef Hui and Maui Nui Venison are serving together:
Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center
The Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center is a non-profit organization governed by a community that addresses health disparities, improves population health, and reduces health inequalities despite financial and cultural barriers. The Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center is a healing center. We believe that our community can thrive physically, spiritually, and economically and enjoy a healthy life, "E ola pono." This holistic approach to health care is realized through the organization's commitment to providing accessible, quality, and affordable, comprehensive health care while preserving native Hawaiian culture and traditions in order to achieve complete wellness. It is also a learning center that provides educational resources and career advancements within our community. Our community is empowered and economically flourishes as a result of the health career training and education offered through the Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center's economic development initiatives.
Papakolea Community Development Corporation
The Papakōlea Community Development Corporation (PCDC) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization established in 1999 to serve as a steward of the Papakōlea Community Park and Center, and provide the residents of the Papakōlea, Kalāwahine, and Kewalo Hawaiian homestead communities with a full range of comprehensive services, including life-long educational experiences, health and wellness services, educational and human services and entrepreneurial opportunities. PCDCʻs mission is to mobilize community participation and promote self-determination by developing strong and effective community leaders. The mission is fulfilled through the provision of low-cost and/or free programs with a long-range goal of enriching the economic conditions of households in Papakōlea.
Palolo Housing
A complex of 63 two-story apartment buildings with a total of 306 units, Palolo Homes is situated in a quiet residential neighborhood in Palolo Valley in Honolulu. Strong community leadership at Palolo Homes ensures a safe, supportive living environment in which individuals and families can thrive. Palolo Homes is committed to lifelong learning with many programs and resources, as well as fostering strong and cooperative relationships within its community.
With the increasing number of Micronesians migrating to Hawai‘i, it has become evident that these recent immigrants face many challenges after arriving in Hawai‘i, including assimilating to Hawaiian and American culture and accessing available services, without losing their home traditions and values. Sponsored by the Partners in Development Foundation (PIDF), a 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity serving disadvantaged Native Hawaiian communities throughout the State, We Are Oceania (WAO) is a collaborative project aimed at centralizing the support system for all Micronesian communities, families, and individuals in Hawaii. The goal is to open a WAO One-Stop-Micronesian Center dedicated to the development, implementation, and management of initiatives aimed at addressing various Micronesian community needs.
For more information and a full list of Chef Hui’s community partners and programs and to learn how you can help further their incredible efforts, visit Chef Hui.
Mahalo ā nui to the Pili Group, Chef Paul Matsumoto, and the many wonderful hands that help to feed our communities. Holo ka ʻai!